Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Efficient convolution on multi-dimensional data (part 2)

In part 1 of this post I talked about a general method for performing faster convolution operations on GPU hardware. This was achieved by reordering the memory operations to get a higher utilization of the floating point units.

Today we will continue by taking a look at a few specific implementations of convolution operations, complete with the OpenCL code, and see how we can go from a < 10 % utilization to closer to 65% when operating on a 3D dataset and performing convolutions with multiple different convolution kernels.

Basic assumptions

 The input image is 256 * 256 * 256 intensity values (unsigned char). The kernel size is given as a CL compile time variable and a set of N kernels to perform convolution upon is given to the kernel as a packed array of floats in KXYZ order (K for Kernel, XYZ for the 3 dimensions).

The first naive implementation

We can implement a naive convolution operation by using one work-item for each target pixel and using an accumulator that iterates over all source pixels within the kernel size window. In the first implementation we use an explicit array for the different accumulators.
/* Expected DEFINE's from the compilation */
/* kernsize -- the size of the filtering kernel in each direction */
/* nkernels -- the number of filters to use */

/* Result is only defined in the area defined by [0 ... (imagesize - kernsize)]
   This means that the kernels are not centered around the input pixel
   but rather gives offsets the output image slightly. You need to
   shift it back manually afterwards if you care for this 

kernel void convolute(int4 imagesize, global unsigned char *input, 
        global unsigned char *output, global float *filter) {
  int4 gid = (int4)(get_global_id(0),  get_global_id(1),  get_global_id(2),  0);
  int4 lid = (int4)(get_local_id(0), get_local_id(1), get_local_id(2), 0);
  int4 group = (int4)(get_group_id(0), get_group_id(1), get_group_id(2), 0);
  int4 pixelid = gid;

  // Starting offset of the first pixel to process
  int imoffset = pixelid.s0 + imagesize.s0 * pixelid.s1 + 
    imagesize.s0 * imagesize.s1 * pixelid.s2;
  int i;

  /* The naive way of doing convolutions */
  if(gid.s0 + kernsize > imagesize.s0 || 
     gid.s1 + kernsize > imagesize.s1 || 
     gid.s2 + kernsize > imagesize.s2) return;
  int dx,dy,dz;

  float val[nkernels];
  for(i=0;i<nkernels;i++) val[i]=0.0;
      for(dx=0;dx<kernsize;dx++) {
        unsigned char raw = input[imoffset+dx+dy*imagesize.s0 + 
        for(i=0;i<nkernels;i++) {
           val[i] += raw * filter[i+nkernels*(dx+kernsize*dy+kernsize*kernsize*dz)];
    output[imoffset*nkernels+i] = val[i];

As you can see by running the OpenCL algorithm above multiple times you get an increase in effective speed when performing multiple convolutions at the same time since the input variable raw does not need to be read for each convolution kernel.

When executed 1000 times on a AMD 6970 GPU hardware on a 256*256 *256 dataset with kernelsizes of 7*7*7 we gain an execution speed ranging from 0.184 seconds per convolution kernel (for one kernel) down to 0.022 seconds per convolution kernel (for 32 kernels).

Note especially the bump in the timing chart above occuring for 3 kernels. This bump is not a sampling problem but rather caused by each kernel writing out an uneven number of char values at the end of each computation. (Even though it seems like each work item is writing to memory individually the writes for a unit is coalesced together, but something seems to happen exactly for the case of writing out 3 bytes at a time). 

The second naive implementation

Another way of implementing the same naive convolution algorithm is to use the OpenCL built-in vector data types (eg. uchar2, float4, ...) and operations thereupon instead of an explicit array with for-loops. This gives the implementation below.

Macro for vector operations

As in the previous implementation we will use a set of macros to define the datatypes kernf for a vector of floats that matches the number of kernels, kernuc for a corresponding vector of unsigned char's. We define the macro kernstore to write a vector of unsigned chars to the memory and convert_kernuc to convert (type casting for vectors) floating point values to unsigned chars.
/* Preprocessor settings to define types that can 
   process multiple convolution kernels the same time. */
#if nkernels == 1
  typedef float kernf;
  typedef uchar kernuc;
#define kernstore(val,offset,arr) arr[offset]=val
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar
#elif nkernels == 2
  typedef float2 kernf;
  typedef uchar2 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore2
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar2
#elif nkernels == 3
  typedef float3 kernf;
  typedef uchar3 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore3
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar3
#elif nkernels == 4
  typedef float4 kernf;
  typedef uchar4 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore4
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar4
#elif nkernels == 8
  typedef float8 kernf;
  typedef uchar8 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore8
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar8
#elif nkernels == 16
  typedef float16 kernf;
  typedef uchar16 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore16
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar16
#error "nkernels should be one of: 1,2,3,4,8,16"

Caching the filter in local memory

Another change we can do to (attempt) to improve the performance is to load the filter values into local memory before the actual convolution operations. Although this seem to minimize the number of times the filter values are read from global memory (once for the whole filter per compute unit, as opposed to once per work-item) it has no effect at all as long as we only perform one convolution per work-item.

  /* Copy global filter to local memory */
  local kernf filter[kernsize*kernsize*kernsize];
  event_t event = async_work_group_copy(filter,filterG,kernsize*kernsize*kernsize,0);
  wait_group_events(1, &event);

This can be seen in the run-time analysis below where the second implementation performs worse than the first implementation. The reason for this lack of improvement is again most likely due to the coalescing of memory operations from each compute device, leading to the first implementation also reading the filter data exactly once per compute unit.

Nevertheless, we choose to use this explicit load of the filter data since it will come very much in handy in the final implementation.

Full Kernel code

The full code of the kernel minus the macro's from above and the compile time defines.

kernel void convolute(int4 imagesize, global unsigned char *input,
                      global unsigned char *output, global kernf *filterG) {
  int4 gid = (int4)(get_global_id(0),  get_global_id(1),  get_global_id(2),  0);
  int4 lid = (int4)(get_local_id(0), get_local_id(1), get_local_id(2), 0);
  int4 group = (int4)(get_group_id(0), get_group_id(1), get_group_id(2), 0);

  // First (?) pixel to process with this kernel
  int4 pixelid = gid;

  // Starting offset of the first pixel to process 
  int imoffset = pixelid.s0 + imagesize.s0 * pixelid.s1 +
                imagesize.s0 * imagesize.s1 * pixelid.s2;
  int i; 

  /* Copy global filter to local memory */
  local kernf filter[kernsize*kernsize*kernsize];
  event_t event = async_work_group_copy(filter,filterG,kernsize*kernsize*kernsize,0);
  wait_group_events(1, &event);

  if(gid.s0 + kernsize > imagesize.s0 ||
     gid.s1 + kernsize > imagesize.s1 ||
     gid.s2 + kernsize > imagesize.s2) return;
  int dx,dy,dz;

  kernf val = (kernf)(0.0);
      for(dx=0;dx<kernsize;dx++) {
        unsigned char raw = input[imoffset+dx+dy*imagesize.s0 + 
        val += raw * filter[dx+kernsize*dy+dz*kernsize*kernsize];
  kernstore( convert_kernuc(val), imoffset, output);

As we will see, this second implementation uses some macro definitions to use the appropriate floatX datatype (eg. float4), and it explicitly caches the filter data in local memory.  The results of these two operations give execution speeds ranging from 0.093 seconds per convolution kernel (for 1 kernel) down to 0.0365 seconds (for 16 kernels).

In the above graph of execution speed we can see that little happens after the point of using 4 kernels simultaneously. It is also at this point that the first implementation becomes faster than the second implementation. 

So, are these two implementations good enough? 0.01 seconds to perform a convolution requiring 5.7 billion (256*256*256*7*7*7) operations certainly seems fast. To answer this question we will plot the execution times vs. the theoretically maximum (2.52 Tflops) performance of the target GPU.

The computation above assumes that a FMAC (Fused Multiply Add to accumulator) operation counts as a single floating point operation and demonstrates that our implementation is memory starved since we only can utilize roughly 10% of the theoretical maximum.

Reordering the memory operations for efficiency

Next we will implement the methods described in my previous post in which we let each work item be responsible for the convolution operations for multiple pixels, and where we by reordering the convolution operations can reuse the memory fetch of the same input values for the results of multiple different output values.

Before we start, we will take a careful look at some of the macros in use.

Macro for vector operations

As in the previous implementation we will use a set of macros to define the datatypes kernf for a vector of floats that matches the number of kernels, kernuc for a corresponding vector of unsigned char's. We define the macro kernstore to write a vector of unsigned chars to the memory and convert_kernuc to convert (type casting for vectors) floating point values to unsigned chars.

Multiply-add operations

Use one of these three definitions to perform the multiply-add operation.
Second most exact (or tied with fma), but fastest due to use of FMAC instructions.
#define mmad(x,y,z) (x+y*z)

Undefined precision (for some cases this can be very very wrong)
#define mmad(x,y,z) mad(x,y,z) 

Guaranteed to be the most exact
#define mmad(x,y,z) fma(x,y,z)

Loop unrolling/reordering through macro expansion / optimizer

Before we give the final code for the efficient implementation we will study the last two macros used in the code. We start by noting that since the kernel will now be reasonsible for computing the outputs for ko number of destination pixels we need as many accumulators.

  kernf val[CONV_UNROLL];

Ideally we would like to completely unroll the intermost loop (dx=0 ... kernelsize) from the implementations above and to extend it by the loop unrolling factor (dx=0 ... kernelsize+ko). Furthermore, the convolution steps should now use different filter positions to increment the different accumulators - but can do so using the same raw value. In pseudo code:

  raw = pixel(x+0,y+dy,z+dz)
  val[0] += filter[0][dy][dz] * raw
  raw = pixel(x+1,y+dy,z+dz)
  val[0] += filter[1][dy][dz] * raw
  val[1] += filter[0][dy][dz] * raw

We note that the first raw value will be used by one target value, the second by two etc. until the 7'th (for kernelsize=7) raw value which will be used by all. After the 7'th value the first target pixel will not need the raw data and the number of used filters will diminish by one if ko<kernsize.

If we where to manually write the code that is needed for a kernelsize of 7 and a convolution unroll of 16 we would need 335 lines of code (23 raw values, and 7*16-7*8 multiplication steps). Instead of doing this by hand for each possible case of kernelsize and loop unrolling we let the macro processor expand these for us. We note that the multiplication for a single step can be written as follows if we let pos be the dx value and ko be one instance of the convolution unroll values.

      if(pos-ko >= 0 && pos-ko < kernsize) {
         val[ko] = mmad(val[ko],(kernf)(raw),filter[(pos-ko)+offset]);
Now, since all of the expressions in the if-statement are compile time constants we can safely use macro expansion to output the lines above for all possible values of pos and ko. The optimizer will remove the actual if statements and only keep the multiplication code for the values that satisfy the if statements. 

Macro expanding out the code above for all values of pos and ko is done through the two sets of macros MAD(ko,pos) and MADS(pos).

Final efficient implementation of convolutions

Finally the full source code for this

/* Expected DEFINE's from the compilation */
/* kernsize -- the size of the filtering kernel in each direction */
/* nkernels -- the number of filters to use */
/* CONV_UNROLL -- amount of unrolling to perform */

/* Result is only defined in the area defined by [0 ... (imagesize - kernsize - CONV_UNROLL)]
   This means that the kernels are not centered around the input pixel but rather gives offsets the output image slightly. 
   You need to shift it back manually afterwards if you care for this. 

/* Preprocessor settings to define types that can process multiple convolution kernels the same time. 
#if nkernels == 1
  typedef float kernf;
  typedef uchar kernuc;
#define kernstore(val,offset,arr) arr[offset]=val
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar
#elif nkernels == 2
  typedef float2 kernf;
  typedef uchar2 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore2
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar2
#elif nkernels == 3
  typedef float3 kernf;
  typedef uchar3 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore3
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar3
#elif nkernels == 4
  typedef float4 kernf;
  typedef uchar4 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore4
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar4
#elif nkernels == 8
  typedef float8 kernf;
  typedef uchar8 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore8
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar8
#elif nkernels == 16
  typedef float16 kernf;
  typedef uchar16 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore16
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar16
#elif nkernels == 32
  typedef float32 kernf;
  typedef uchar32 kernuc;
#define kernstore vstore32
#define convert_kernuc convert_uchar32
#error "nkernels should be one of: 1,2,3,4,8,16,32"

/* Use one of these three definitions to perform the multiply-add operation */
#define mmad(x,y,z) (x+y*z)       // Second most exact (or tied with fma), but fastest due to use of FMAC (FMA-accumulator) instruction
//#define mmad(x,y,z) mad(x,y,z)  // Undefined precision (for some cases this can be very very wrong)
//#define mmad(x,y,z) fma(x,y,z)  // Guaranteed to be the most exact

kernel void convolute(int4 imagesize, global unsigned char *input, 
                      global unsigned char *output, global kernf *filterG) {
  int4 gid = (int4)(get_global_id(0)*CONV_UNROLL,  get_global_id(1),  get_global_id(2),  0);
  int4 lid = (int4)(get_local_id(0), get_local_id(1), get_local_id(2), 0);
  int4 group = (int4)(get_group_id(0), get_group_id(1), get_group_id(2), 0);
  // First (?) pixel to process with this kernel
  int4 pixelid = gid;

  // Starting offset of the first pixel to process
  int imoffset = pixelid.s0 + imagesize.s0 * pixelid.s1 + imagesize.s0 * imagesize.s1 * pixelid.s2;
  int i,j;

  int dx,dy,dz;

  /* MAD performs a single convolution operation for each kernel, 
     using the current 'raw' value as the input image 
     'ko' as an instance of an unrolled convolution filter
     'pos' as the X-offset for each of the unrolled convolution filters
     Note that all the if statements dependent only on static values - 
     meaning that they can be optimized away by the compiler
#define MAD(ko,pos) {if(CONV_UNROLL>ko) {    \
      if(pos-ko >= 0 && pos-ko < kernsize) {    \
        val[ko] = mmad(val[ko],(kernf)(raw),filter[(pos-ko)+offset]);   \
#define MADS(pos) {if(pos<kernsize) { \
    raw=input[imoffset2+pos];       \
    MAD(0,pos); MAD(1,pos); MAD(2,pos); MAD(3,pos); MAD(4,pos); MAD(5,pos); MAD(6,pos); MAD(7,pos); \
    MAD(8,pos); MAD(9,pos); MAD(10,pos); MAD(11,pos); MAD(12,pos); MAD(13,pos); MAD(14,pos); MAD(15,pos); \
    MAD(16,pos); MAD(17,pos); MAD(18,pos); MAD(19,pos); MAD(20,pos); MAD(21,pos); MAD(22,pos); MAD(23,pos); \
    MAD(24,pos); MAD(25,pos); MAD(26,pos); MAD(27,pos); MAD(28,pos); MAD(29,pos); MAD(30,pos); MAD(31,pos); \
    MAD(32,pos); MAD(33,pos); MAD(34,pos); MAD(35,pos); MAD(36,pos); MAD(37,pos); MAD(38,pos); MAD(39,pos); \
  kernf val[CONV_UNROLL];

  int localSize = get_local_size(0) * get_local_size(1) * get_local_size(2);
  local kernf filter[kernsize*kernsize*kernsize];

  /* Copy global filter to local memory */
  event_t event = async_work_group_copy(filter,filterG,kernsize*kernsize*kernsize,0);
  wait_group_events(1, &event);

  if(gid.s0 + kernsize + CONV_UNROLL > imagesize.s0 || 
     gid.s1 + kernsize > imagesize.s1 || 
     gid.s2 + kernsize > imagesize.s2) return;

    for(dy=0;dy<kernsize;dy++)  {
      int offset = dy*kernsize*nkernels + dz*kernsize*kernsize*nkernels;
      int imoffset2 = imoffset+dy*imagesize.s0 + dz*imagesize.s0*imagesize.s1;
      unsigned char raw;

      /* kernsize + convolution_unroll < 42 */
      MADS(0); MADS(1); MADS(2); MADS(3); MADS(4); MADS(5);
      MADS(6); MADS(7); MADS(8); MADS(9); MADS(10); MADS(11);
      MADS(12); MADS(13); MADS(14); MADS(15); MADS(16); MADS(17);
      MADS(18); MADS(19); MADS(20); MADS(21); MADS(22); MADS(23);
      MADS(24); MADS(25); MADS(26); MADS(27); MADS(28); MADS(29);
      MADS(30); MADS(31); MADS(32); MADS(33); MADS(34); MADS(35);
      MADS(36); MADS(37); MADS(38); MADS(39); MADS(40); MADS(41);

  for(j=0;j<CONV_UNROLL;j++) {
    kernstore( convert_kernuc(val[j]), imoffset+j, output);

Analysis of the full implementation

Now, let's take a look at what efficiency we can gain using this. We start by looking at again at the GPU utilization as a function of the level of convolution unrolling performed and with three different settings for the workgroup size. These measurements have been done using the same hardware as above and have fixed the number of convolution kernels used to 8.

As you can see we gain a speed advantage up to roughly 65% of the theoretical maximum for these settings and for this input kernel size. For other values we can gain slightly higher of lower efficiencies. For reference the optimal values occur for a convolution unroll of 16 which gives 0.004 seconds per convolution kernel.

To compare this method with the naive method I also give you the below graph which shows the efficiency as a function number of convolution kernels. With a fixed workgroup size of 16,16,1 and 4 kernels.


So what conclusions can we draw from this? Well, to start with:

1) A naive convolution operation is memory starved when perform on the GPU. By rearranging the order of the innermost steps we can gain a significant performance gain.

2) Using float3/uchar3 when writing out to memory is a bad idea.

3) Performing a local cache of the filter data is pointless if the data is only used once -- even if it is used once for each work item, as long as they access each item simultaneously.

4) The optimizer can be trusted to remove dead code when using if statements with only compile time constants. This can be utilized to simplify the creation of repetitive amounts of code such as loop unrolling through the use of macro expansions.